Monday 29 June 2009

Crombie munitions depot

A few months ago I was effectively warned off making a fuss about the future of the Crombie munitions depot in West Fife. The warning came from a senior DSDA (Defence Storage and Distribution Agency) official who tried to reassure me that the depot potentially had a bright future.

I've not heard from the man since despite subsequent announcements that staff levels were to be cut to 26 then 15 from 43.

Now I'm not arguing that efficiencies should not be made but I am seeking a plan, leadership and fair treatment for the staff. Yet this munitions depot (bombs and the like) is being run down in a chaotic manner. The DSDA and the MOD could learn a few things from Shaggy and Scooby.

Three years ago the Minister agreed the Future Report on Crombie (FROC), the the Treasury announced DSDA could be privatised and the recent announcement is a straight forward treasury driven cut.

I say announcement but they didn't even bother to tell me about the latest cut - I heard from an anonymous source.

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