Sunday 4 January 2009

Reckless behaviour

Today we heard that the Labour Government has rejected the SNP Government's plea for their capital spend to be brought forward so that they can pay for the new Forth Crossing. I suspect there's a bit of cheap politics on both sides here with the SNP wanting to exploit differences between Edinburgh and London and the Labour Government wanting to remind voters that the SNP have mismanaged their capital spending programme.

What's galling is that we've waited eighteen months for this clash. Meanwhile every day the old bridge gets a little bit older and a little bit weaker steadily reaching towards the date when it has to close to vehicles. It's not just important that the new crossing is built on time but it's also vital that the business community in Fife believes so. Otherwise confidence starts to fade and in the current climate that's the last thing Fife needs. So it's vital a conclusion is reached on the funding - quickly.

Therefore this unseemly squabble must come to an end.

What would be most sensible would be for the SNP to accept that their Scottish Futures Trust is a busted flush. They should accept the Public Private Partnership model of funding as the future of Fife's economy is more important than their hollow commitment to replace PPP.

If the SNP continue to be reckless the UK Government should step in and make the funding available. It's vital that they do.


  1. Willie,
    This is the most important issue to hit Fife since the pits were closed down.
    As Fifers we need to send out the strongest signals possible to all parties involved that this country requires a bridge for the future so that generation's to come can keep up with the transport technology and enable it to be used by the structure that we decide to build to suit us in the short term for vehicle's that will not be about in 20 years.
    If we look back to when the bridge was originally opened the projected user figures were very low,but guess what the stataticians got it wrong again(A waste of a good education as far as I am concerned,they should have asked the guys in Smiths Bar Kelty).!!

    This needs all to agree and no party politics to get the best for Scotland and the UK.


  2. Politicians! before they can begin to understand and deal with the situation, they have to understand that this bridge is a lifeline into fife. If they bridge goes, it will have serious consequencies for the whole of fife. Then again their in edinburgh so why should they be bothered?!?! because we all know when push comes to shove decisions will be made regardless of the fife public's feelings, its been the way with this bridge and im sure it will be the same with the new one.

    I just wish they would get their fingers out and break ground before they are responsible for us having to use the ferry again!
